College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science


10 of 78 results

FSOS professor honored

Joyce Serido, associate professor and extension specialist in the Department of Family Social Science, is a member of the team that has been selected to receive the Best Family Financial Well-Being Paper Award from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).

a professor

FSOS associate professor’s paper wins multiple awards

Virginia Solis Zuiker, associate professor and AFC supervising faculty in Family Social Science, is a co-author of a paper that has been named ”Best Paper in Personal Finance and Consumer Economics” for the Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (FCSRJ) for 2022. It was also selected as the FCSRJ “2022 Outstanding Paper.” The article, “Lived […]


FSOS PhD alumna returns to Minnesota

On the heels of completing a post-doctoral research fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis, Gretchen Buchanan, PhD ’21, is joining the Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute as a senior researcher in the Redleaf Center for Family Healing. According to its website, “The center improves lives through multi-generational mental health, parenting, and mind-body-spirit support for individuals […]

an FSOS alumna

Alumni appointed to state board

Damir Utržan has been appointed to a four-year term on the State Advisory Council on Mental Health (MH) by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. He is a 2017 alumni of the Family Social Science PhD specialization in Couple and Family Therapy and is currently Chief Compliance and Strategic Development Officer at Horowitz Health (HH) that provides […]

dr damir utrzan

Family Social Science professors awarded grants

Xiaoran Sun, assistant professor, and Lindsey Weiler, associate professor and Family Social Science Department honors faculty representative, have been awarded grants for research projects. Xiaoran Sun’s research project, “Using Machine Learning and Large-Scale Longitudinal Data to Identify Key Adolescent Social Determinants of Educational Attainment in White, Black, and Latinx Adults,” has been awarded a $50,000 […]

Two professors

Sara Axtell receives Outstanding Community Service Award

Sara Axtell, a lecturer in the Department of Family Social Science, is a recipient of a 2023 University of Minnesota Outstanding Community Service Award. The award recognizes faculty, staff, students, and University-affiliated community partners who, by devoting their time, talents, and expertise to serve the public good, have made significant, demonstrable, and direct contributions to society’s […]

a professor.

FSOS Professor Emeritus co-authors new book on family businesses

Sharon M. Danes, professor emerita in Family Social Science, is part of the writing team of a new book on family businesses. Concise Introduction to the Family Firm offers a multifaceted approach to the study and practice of family firm ownership. It explores conceptualizations of the family firm in-depth, and provides encompassing theories to help […]

A professor.

Mendenhall project awarded $150,000 grant

Tai Mendenhall, professor in Family Social Science, and the Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul’s Department of Indian Work have been awarded a $150,000 Superior Health Community Health Disparities Reduction Partnership Grant for the Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS). The health promotion initiative was created in 2001 through the collaborative efforts of providers affiliated with […]

A photo of Tai Mendenhall

FSOS grad student and professor collaborate to improve student financial literacy

During spring semester, Miguel Quiñones, graduate student, and Joyce Serido, professor and extension specialist, collaborated to create the new Family Social Science undergraduate course, “The Cultural Context of Family and Financial Wellness.” The eight-week, one credit course explored the core concepts of financial decision-making for contemporary college students, taking into account their diverse backgrounds, lived […]

graduate student

FSOS faculty and students win awards at CEHD Spring Assembly

Faculty and student workers from Family Social Science won five awards at the annual CEHD Spring Assembly. The CEHD Awards and Honors program recognizes outstanding work in the college each year. Award recipients are nominated by peers and colleagues who also submit letters of support. Faculty members Margaret Kelly, Jenifer McGuire, Tai Mendenhall and student […]

A group of faculty and students