College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

Continuing ed programs

Department of Family Social Science continuing education programs offer the insights and methods of the social sciences to examine how families develop and grow within various contexts and cultures.Take the next step in your career and make a difference in the lives of those affected by ambiguous loss – a unique form of grief.

Continuing education

The ambiguous loss online noncredit certificate program is led by Pauline Boss, professor emeritus and the groundbreaking therapist revered as a pioneer in the interdisciplinary study of ambiguous loss.

Ambiguous loss online certificate

This online professional development course will prepare you to become proficient in understanding and applying ambiguous loss theory and includes a professional development Certificate of Completion and 15 CEUs from the University of Minnesota.

Go deeper

Learn more about family social science graduate programs in the the online Family Social Science Graduate Handbook.

Faculty and staff contacts

Sumitra Madhuri Ramachandran, Graduate Program Coordinator
Contact her if you have questions about FSoS Graduate programs at

Family Social Science Leadership

Stacey Horn, Department Head and Professor, 

Catherine Solheim, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies,