College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

Emeriti Faculty

Gerald August Gerald August

Dr. August has accumulated over 30 years of experience in prevention science research producing a body of work that includes 90+ peer-reviewed scientific articles, 8 NIH-funded research grants (R01, R34) and numerous presentations at national…

gerald august

Pauline Boss Pauline Boss

Pauline Boss, PhD, was a member of the FSOS faculty from 1981 to 2005. She is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, andthe National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) of which is…

Pauline Boss

Sharon Danes Sharon Danes

During her over 40-year academic career, Sharon Danes’ research focused on the intersection of family and business systems that affect the viability of family businesses, as well as the intersection of social and economic decision-making in family…

Sharon Danes

William Doherty William Doherty

Marital First Responders - The goal of this project is to develop assessment tools and evaluate the effectiveness of Marital First Responders training.


Abigail Gewirtz Abigail Gewirtz

Abigail Gewirtz, PhD, joined the University of Minnesota faculty in 2002 and retired from FSoS in 2022. She is an expert on prevention science, prevention and intervention, trauma, resilience, parenting, and children’s resilience.

Abigail Gewirtz

Harold Grotevant Harold Grotevant

Harold D. Grotevant, PhD, served as department head and professor of Family Social Science twice – from 1990 to 1995 and again from 2001-2003.

Harold Grotevant

Jan Hogan Jan Hogan

Hogan was Family Social Science department head twice, from 1984-1989, and again, 1995-2001. and served as interim dean and associate dean of the College of Human Ecology. She retired in 2006.

Jan Hogan

Jan McCulloch Jan McCulloch

Professor McCulloch served as department head and professor in Family Social Science from 2003-2013 and was on faculty until she retired in 2015.

Jan McCulloch

David Olson David Olson

David Olson dedicated his life to reducing the incidence of divorce and his work was grounded in the system of bridging research, theory, and practice.


Paul Rosenblatt Paul Rosenblatt

Paul Rosenblatt joined the University of Minnesota faculty in 1969 and was among the founding faculty of the Department of Family Social Science when it was organized as a separate department in Home Economics in 1970.

Paul Rosenblatt

Martha Rueter Martha Rueter

Martha Rueter Joined Family Social Science as an assistant professor in 1999, was promoted to associate professor in 2003, and retired in 2019.

Martha Rueter

Joyce Serido Joyce Serido

I am interested in financial behavior as a bidirectional and unfolding family process. Specifically, I study how families communicate and interact about finances and how these processes affect financial behavior.

Joyce Serido

Marlene Stum Marlene Stum

A professor emerita who retired in June 2022, Stum’s research-based outreach and engagement focused on family economics and social gerontology.

Marlene Stum

Susan Walker Susan Walker

Walker joined the UMN faculty in 2007 and retired in 2023. An associate professor in the Family Social Science parent and family education program, she served as director from 2011-2017.

Susan Walker