College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

FSOS TRIO McNair Scholars explore trauma and access to services

This past summer three Family Social Science undergrads collaborated with faculty on research projects as part of the TRIO McNair Scholars program. 

Savanna Conzemius collaborated with Armeda Wojciak, assistant professor and program director of the Couple & Family Therapy doctoral program, on the project, "Parenting with Adverse Childhood Experiences," that examined the influence parents' traumatic childhood experiences have on their parenting behaviors and family functioning.  

Nyalaam Jok (pictured above) is double-majoring in FSOS and youth studies (School of Social Work) and collaborated with Jeff Waid, an associate professor of Social Work, on "Addressing Health and Social Service Barriers," that explored factors associated with family service access health and social services.  

Sophea Om collaborated with Cathy Solheim, professor, and director of graduate studies, on "Cambodian American Refugee Family Impacts from Deportation." Her the study addressed gaps in existing research and provided insights into the challenges faced by Cambodian American families.