In memoriam—Bonnie Braun
Dr. Bonnie Braun died on Sunday, November 5, at her home in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. She was 76 years old. From 1994 to 1998, she served as the first associate dean for outreach and associate professor in the College of Human Ecology in the Department of Family Social Science.
As associate dean, she was responsible for both Cooperative Extension and Continuing Education. She was challenged to generate revenue through adult education, grants, and contracts. She also served on the initial Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance (IDEA) that envisioned family and consumer science degree programs delivered through internet technology.
In 1997, Braun teamed up with the late Jean Bauer, professor, on an initiative to help people better understand the impacts of new federal legislation on welfare reform. Their goals were to measure the social and economic implications of welfare reform on families and to monitor state and local responses. Their project, “Responding Knowledgeably: From Welfare Reform to Well-Being,” received an award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Issues Education presented by the Farm Foundation and the National Public Policy Education Committee.