College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

Q & A with: Oo Meh

Oo Meh, a senior in FSOS will graduate in May.

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Oo Meh. I identify as Karenni. When I was nine years old, my family immigrated to the United States purposely to provide better education and a better life for me and my siblings. I am currently a senior and will graduate in May with a Family Social Science major and Arts minor. 

What made you pick your major?

I decided to major in Family Social Science because I have always had a passion for working with and helping communities and families, especially those like mine.

Was there an experience during your academic career that had a significant impact?

My academic experience included an internship with FrogTown Neighborhood Association (FNA), where I had the opportunity to directly assist Karen and Karenni families in the Como neighborhood. At FNA, I was a member of the FNA Champions, a group of diverse youth leaders who engaged and collaborated with the community at events. My internship occurred during spring 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, and many families were struggling to get resources. As a member of the FNA Champions, I was actively engaged in helping Karen and Karenni families receive access to food, supplies, and other needed resources.

I also had the opportunity to develop my first-ever virtual discussion event on COVID-19. This event targeted the Karenni community to give them the opportunity to discuss their family’s experience of Covid-19 and community needs. I was also able to successfully collaborate with other Karenni youth members in the community, which helped us reach many participants, not only from the Como neighborhood, but across Minnesota and the U.S. and as well as Thailand, Myanmar, New Zealand, and Australia. In FNA Champions, I was also able to develop my creative and social media skills as well as design a logo for the program in collaboration with other members.

How does this experience fit into your post-graduation plan?

My FNA experiences are all related to my future career goals and gave me valuable experience in working with and helping families and communities, especially the role as a community liaison. I was also able to gain design experience that served my Arts minor and my interest in developing my graphic design skills. 

What advice do you have for undergraduate students just getting started?

Coming into the U of M, I realized how big the campus was, yet, there are so many resources, including a wide range of clubs and student organizations.  I encourage undergraduates to take advantage of the resources that the school provides and to branch out and get involved because getting involved makes the whole college experience more fun. I also want to remind undergraduates that are just getting started in college and it’s normal to be unsure of what you want to do. Take advantage of the resources and reach out, ask questions, and you’ll discover what you want to do. The U has everything you need!