College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

Stacey Horn

  • Pronouns: she/her/hers

  • Department Head, Professor, and Campbell Leadership Chair in Education & Human Development

Stacey Horn

Areas of interest

Issues of sexual prejudice and bias-motivated harassment among adolescents
Adolescents’ reasoning about peer harassment
LGBT students’ experiences in schools and communities


PhD, Human Development (Developmental Sciences) University of Maryland, College Park
MA, Teaching of English, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota Teaching License—English (provisional)
BA, Child Development and English, Summa Cum Laude, University of Minnesota


Horn's current research focuses on prejudice related to sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as bias-motivated bullying among adolescents. Her applied and evaluation research focuses on how to create safer and more welcoming schools for all young people. She has served as chair of the Equity and Justice Committee for the Society for Research in Child Development, and is a past-chair of the Governing Board for the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance. Horn is former high school English teacher with 30 years of experience working with young people.

  1. Horn, S. S., Schriber, S. E., Romeo, K., & Tasker, T. B. (in preparation). Reducing bias- motivated bullying in school: An evaluation of Communities Aligning for School Transformation.
  2. Horn, S. S. & Schriber, S. (under review). Bullied and punished: Exploring the links between bullying and discipline disparities for sexual and gender minority youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
  3. Johns, M. M., Poteat, V. P., Horn, S. S., & Kosciw, J. (2019). Strengthening our schools for LGBTQ youth: What we know and where we need to go. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health.
  4. Horn, S. S. (2018). Sexual orientation and gender identity based prejudice in adolescence: The importance of gender, intergroup contact, and social reasoning. Child Development Perspectives, 13, 21-27.
  5. Poteat, V. P., Yoshikawa, H., Calzo, J. P., Russell, S. T., & Horn, S. S. (2017). Gay-straight alliances as settings for youth inclusion and development: Future conceptual and methodological directions for research on these and other student groups in schools. Educational Researcher, 12, 508-516.
  6. *Romeo, K., *Chico, E., *Darcangelo, N, *Bellinger, L. B., & Horn, S. S. (2017). Youth’s motivations for using homophobic and misogynistic language. Journal of LGBT Youth, 14 (4), 411-423. Read the full article.
  7. *Romeo, K. and Horn, S. S. (2017). Adolescents’ judgments of homophobic harassment toward male and female victims: the role of gender stereotypes. Journal of Moral Education, 46 (2), 147-157. Read the full article.
  8. Peter, C. R., *Tasker, T. B., and Horn, S. S. (2016). Adolescents' beliefs about harm, wrongness, and school policies as predictors of sexual and gender-based harassment. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 426-43. Read the full article.
  9. Poteat, V. P., Horn, S. S., & Armstrong, P. I. (2016). Condoning discrimination: The effects of dominance and authoritarianism are moderated by different ways of reasoning about antigay discriminatory acts. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Read the full article.
  10. Peter, C. R., *Tasker, T. B., Horn, S. S. (2015). Parents‘ attitudes toward comprehensive and inclusive seuxality education: Beliefs about sexual health topics and forms of curriculum. Health Education, 115-192. Read the full article.
  1. Horn, S. S. (2019). Rights, fairness, and equality. Invited panelist Social Cognitive Domain Theory pre-conference, Baltimore.
  2. Horn, S. S., Russell, S., Peter, C., Schriber, S., Snapp, S. (2018). Collaborations to improve interventions related to sexual/gender prejudice and victimization in schools. Invited panel at the Gender Development Research Conference, San Francisco.
  3. Horn, S. S. (2018). Developmental and contextual factors related to sexual prejudice across adolescence. Invited talk at the Center for Equality and Social Justice Annual Research Symposium, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
  4. Horn, S. S. (2017). Bullied and punished: Exploring the links between bullying and discipline disparities for queer youth. Paper presented at the Gender Development Research Conference. San Francisco.
  5. Horn, S. S. (2017). Sexual orientation, gender identity, and schooling: Exploring the rights of all students. Presentation at First Annual Social Justice Camp for Educators. Northern Illinois University.
  6. Horn, S. S. (2016). Evolution of a Movement: Celebrating Successes, Building Relationships, Inspiring ACTION. Presentation at the Prevent School Violence Illinois Summit. Oak Brook, IL.
  7. Horn, S. S., *Romeo, K., *Peter, C., **Schriber, S., Isaacs, A. (2014). Illinois Youth and Bias-Based Bullying. Presentation at the Prevent School Violence Illinois annual coalition meeting.
  8. Horn, S. S. & Poteat, V. P. (2014). LGB/T Youth and Peers. Roundtable Discussion at the Peer Relations Pre-Conference, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Austin, TX.
  9. Horn, S. S., McNamara Barry, C. & Nelson, L. (2013). Values difference does not always equal conflict: Emerging adults’ judgments across religious identities. Invited presentation at annual conference of the Barbara L. & Normal C. Tanner Center for Non- violent human rights advocacy: Religion, Conflict and Peacemaking. University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
  10. Horn, S. S. & **Fischer, D. (2013). University-Community Collaboration. Invited presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Safe Schools Roundtable, Portland, OR.

What students can expect from me

  • Values-based: identifying and acting from core principles
  • Relational: putting people and relationships at the center
  • Participatory: inclusion of all stakeholders and stakeholder groups; collaborative
  • Transparent: open and honest decision-making processes and outcomes
  • Pragmatic: practical and focused on reaching the desired goal/outcome
  • Strategic: data-informed, planful, focused on short- and long-term
  • Liberatory: identifying, acknowledging and amplifying the humanity of everyone involved

Honors and Awards

2018 - Social Policy Book Award, Society for Research on Adolescence
2017 - University Scholar Award, University of Illinois at Chicago
2017 - Distinguished Book Award, American Psychological Association
2011 - Division 44 UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Illinois at Chicago
2008-2009 - Chicago Fellow, Committee for Institutional Cooperation—Advancing Leadership Program
2006 - Outstanding Young Scholar, University of Maryland College of Education Alumni Association
2003 - Teaching Recognition Program Award, Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Illinois at Chicago
2002 - Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology)


Russell, S. & Horn, S. S. (2017). Sexuality, gender identity and schooling: The nexus of research, practice, and policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Horn, S. S., Ruck, M. D., Liben, L. S. (2016). Equity and justice in developmental sciences (Vol. 1): Theoretical and methodological issues. Advances in Child Development and Behavior Series. London, UK: Elsevier Publishers.
Horn, S. S., Ruck, M. D., Liben, L S. (2016). Equity and justice in developmental sciences (Vol. 2): Implications for young people, families, and communities. Advances in Child Development and Behavior Series. London, UK: Elsevier Publishers.