College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

Mendenhall honored by National Council on Family Relations

Tai Mendenhall

Tai Mendenhall, medical family therapist and associate professor in the Department of Family Social Science, has been honored with the Excellence in Professional/Clinical Practice Award from the Families and Health Section of the National Council on Family Relations.

The award announcement stated,  “it is important to note that you stood out among other very strong applicants. Your work is inspiring and we are proud that you are doing such important work related to Families and Health!”

According to the NCFR website, the award’s purpose is to “Recognize excellence in community-based professional practice or clinical practice of Families and Health Section (FH) members conducted within the past two years aimed at improving the health of individuals, families, or communities. Excellence includes community-based professional practice or clinical practice informed by research and theory and that demonstrates positive health outcomes.”

More about Dr. Mendenhall

Mendenhall is also the Associate Director of the University of Minnesota’s Citizen Professional Center, Director of mental health teams within the Medical Reserve Corps Disaster-Response Teams, and an adjunct professor and clinician in the  Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. He works actively in the conduct of collaborative family health care and community-based participatory research focused on a variety of public health issues.

He has led or contributed to over 100 publications to-date — including peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and other media — in and across the medical- and psychosocial- science disciplines.  He has published three edited books (two as lead-author/editor), including two texts regarding cutting-edge applications of Medical Family Therapy. In addition, Dr. Mendenhall has delivered over 350 workshops and presentations to state-, national-, and international- professional forums.

From 2015 to 2018, he was a member of an American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy’s task-force to articulate formal Medical Family Therapy competencies.  Dr. Mendenhall is now the Chair-elect for the AAMFT’s Family Therapists in Health Care Topical Interest Network (TIN).

Originally from New Zealand, he is now a “kiwi in the arctic.” He earned both his bachelor’s and his doctoral degrees here in the U of MN’s Department of Family Social Science, and a master’s in marriage and family therapy from Kansas State University.

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