College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

Two Family Social Science alumni honored

Holli Kelly (left) and Amanda Koonjbeharry

The Department of Family Social Science is proud to announce that two alumni are being honored with College of Education and Human Development’s Rising Alumni Awards for 2021. Holli Kelly received her doctorate in Family Social Science in 2014, and Amanda Koonjbeharry received her bachelor’s in Family Social Science in 2009 (and also received a Master of Social Work and a Master of Public Policy, both at the University of Minnesota).

(Edited Wednesday, April 21: The ceremony, originally scheduled for Thursday, April 22, has been postponed due to the Chauvin trial verdict announcement).

Holli (Trombley) Kelly (PhD, 2014)

Holli (Trombley) Kelly received her PhD in Family Social Science in 2014. Co-advised by Bill Doherty and Elizabeth Wieling, Kelly has grown to be a leader in the field of marriage and family therapy (MFT). She is the Director of the Marietta Vet Center in Georgia that helps combat veterans, survivors of military sexual trauma, and military bereavement cases and also serves as acting director for the Savannah Vet Center. In addition, she is an adjunct faculty member at Northcentral University and an American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Approved Supervisor. Read more about her.

Amanda Koonjbeharry (B.S., 2009)

Amanda Koonjbeharry became director of public policy for the Citizen League (CL) in July 2019. The nonpartisan, nonprofit organization empowers Minnesotans to engage in civic life and public policy to make the state a better place to live and work for everyone. Previously she led Hennepin County’s No Wrong Door program that provides victim services and works to end and prevent the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth. In the lead up to Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis, she co-chaired ­a statewide committee of 80 volunteers that supported victim services, outreach and enforcement with the goal of not only addressing a potential problem; but establishing a model that could be used by other cities hosting championship games. Read more about her.